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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse

Suddenly "Couldn't download the file" appearing using form control to download

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Hello everyone.
I have a weird one:
I have been using Form controls to download files from Dataverse for years without issue. Tonight, our users and me are receiving this error message when clicking on a file in the form control to download it. We haven't published a new version or changed anything surrounding this control. 
The loading dots still appear at the top as if its preparing to download, and then after a few seconds the control itself returns this error.
This is happening on multiple environments. 
I attempted to create a fresh canvas from scratch, adding a couple of form controls to test, and I am receiving the error. 
I have no idea why its suddenly top working. We had some changes to our DLP policy a few days ago, is there anything in DLP that might effect downloading a file from canvas form control? Very confused.
Many thanks
  • Suggested answer
    romerohe Profile Picture
    romerohe 13 on at
    Suddenly "Couldn't download the file" appearing using form control to download
    It seems that Microsoft implemented a fix for this issue.
    My downloads are working again with no problems. Hope it works for you too!
  • romerohe Profile Picture
    romerohe 13 on at
    Suddenly "Couldn't download the file" appearing using form control to download
    Same problem here... some users reported it to me today.
    I'm going to open a ticket with Microsoft
  • BK-22120432-0 Profile Picture
    BK-22120432-0 2 on at
    Suddenly "Couldn't download the file" appearing using form control to download
    Quick update:
    Very Likely not DLP related - I just tested in a separate environment/tenant/organization with the same error. 
    Downloaded Chrome incase it was an edge issue. Same error. 

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