I'm exploring to send pro active message to user in teams using Power Virtual Agent bot. Here is the flow i have created but every time I run the flow the message sending action failed with 502 Bad Gateway. The chatbot published and added to my teams as personal app and it's not published in organization level.
Can you please suggest on how we can fix this issue?
Hi, shame on me. I worked on different organizations. 😪
Have you first published your chatbot to the Microsoft Teams channel @WillM83?
Also, is your cloud flow in the same environment as your chatbot?
we were able to send proactive messages before the environment switched from power virtual agents to Copilots.
In Powerautomate there is it still shown as "Power Virtual Agents (Preview)" and I am not able to select the Copilot (Bot). Any news for germany?
Maybe it is also a language topic, because it was also necessary to make an english Copilot (Bot) to get it run.
Likely by the end of the week @Sara9
Is it confirmed available in the US yet? Wanting to try this soon.
We're trying to document this as part of the Release Plans (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/release-plan/2023wave2/power-virtual-agents/planned-features).
Good news is that rollout has started and I was able to validate that proactive Teams messages are now working for bots created on the unified authoring canvas.
This works today in environments located in Japan but this should work in all regions by mid next week.
Thats great! Are there any official sites to get informed?
Good News.
👏Very good news. Thank you so much!
Hi @ManikandanS -- this feature is coming back soon to the latest version of PVA (unified authoring), I believe it's matter of weeks now before it's rolled out in all regions.