Hello there,
I've been tasked with creating the following use-case and would like to know if it's feasible.
Basically, the chatbot ought to automate the event creation process:
1. User inputs event details (date/time/et cetera) in PVA adaptive card.
2. User gets assigned a meeting room that fits their requirements (has already been done on power automate)
3. User gets an Outlook pop-up comprising an event just before the 'Send/Create' phase, i.e., all resources have been added, start+end times, etc.
(to illustrate further, they get the following screenshot with all the details filled in waiting for a mere button click)
Unfortunately, although I could just use the 'Create Event (V4)' action, it'll yield a meeting booked by the account governing PVA instead of the user themselves. I've tried using the 'Get Calendars (V2)' action but it works only for shared calendars and requires me to loop through an enormous number of calendars if I were to obtain Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared for everyone so that's redundant.
My current approach is creating a desktop flow that launches outlook, creates an Event and fills up the details, such that it's available for the end user to click. The desktop flow will be then triggered by a cloud flow that's in turn triggered by PVA. Is this feasible? Will it actually work for the end user? Since I'd be the one establishing a connection b/w PA and Outlook.
Any suggestions would be welcome. TIA