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Error with Multi-lingual bot: Bot answers in the wrong language

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I have created a multi-lingual chatbot with Portuguese as main language and Spanish and English as secondary languages. When the chatbot welcomes me in portuguese and I answer with one of the trigger sentences of a topic in English, the bot enters the topic correctly but answers me using the messages in portuguese. This looks like a bug to me because I would expect that, if the bot understands this secondary language, should answer me using the translated version of the topic using the corresponding English localization file.


Has someone experienced this behavior?



  • mantab Profile Picture
    mantab 6 on at
    Error with Multi-lingual bot: Bot answers in the wrong language
    Thanks @theMac for your response. What you suggest is very similar to what I had done so I think I will move forward with it as the best solution available. It is not a final solution, however, because if the user, after choosing a language, decides to use a different one (outside of the 3 supported), german for example, the genAI side will answer in german, ignoring the previous selection.
  • Verified answer
    theMac Profile Picture
    theMac on at
    Error with Multi-lingual bot: Bot answers in the wrong language
    Copilot's language management teached me one thing: do not expect Copilot will sniff/changes language based from what user writes.
    At conversation start, ask user wich language he wanna continue the conversation with and offer him your three available languages as options.
    At selection, set the system.user.language variable and copilot will keep that as base language.
    Warning: if you prepared topics with trigger phrases or messages in a language, you'll have to supply to CP resx/json files containing your triggers/messages translated in other languages ... and this is another battle (I'm going crazy with two language, good luck to you with 3)
  • peterswimm Profile Picture
    peterswimm on at
    Re: Error with Multi-lingual bot: Bot answers in the wrong language

    Not at this time, I can see lots of issues, for example if I ask a question about a restaurant that is in another language, should I assume the answer to be solved in that language? Right now, the best option is to support the locale of the end users default language, and we will look into supporting scenarios like you mention in future updates.

  • mantab Profile Picture
    mantab 6 on at
    Re: Error with Multi-lingual bot: Bot answers in the wrong language

    Thanks for your quick response. I can understand that but I think this behaviour leads to an inconsistent user experience. From what I have seen, If my question in the secondary language is answered by the conversational boost genAI topic, it does respond using the language I used (regardless of my local language). However, if the bot answers using a regular topic, it uses the local language of the user. Is there any way to change this behavior?

  • peterswimm Profile Picture
    peterswimm on at
    Re: Error with Multi-lingual bot: Bot answers in the wrong language

    This is expected as the chat is determined by the locale of the user, not of the language they reply with. Our system is smart enough to process intents in supported languages, but it will always deliver content per the locale of the chat.

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