I am creating a productivity tracker. It has a Gallery and Form Edit containers.
Currently, when I click 'New' Icon to create a new record, it opens up the Form and allows entry or selection of choices. It also starts the Timer OnSelect.
Once done, the user is expected to close the form and trigger SubmitForm OnSelect of save Icon.
OnSuccess, it Stops the Timer and saves all of the data on SP as a new record. This also updates Gallery to show the new record.
User also has the option to select from Gallery and edit the data and save again. This overrides SP record and update it based on new data.
This is where I have a problem, I want that whenever an item from the Gallery is edited, I want the time to continue counting from the last count of Timer that was saved in SP.
I used the Timer instead Time Difference using Now() because I will also encounter the issue where it counts all the time between the first Start Time and the new End Time.
Anyone have any suggestion how I can make this work?
Here on this Image, I added a new record Test9 which lasted 30 secs based on Timer.
Then edited the Gallery item
However, upon saving the edited item, instead of continuing the Timer, it starts from 0 and then saves a new time on SP
That is a complex question.
You need to manage multiple collections and when the Start button is pressed, the data is to be saved in the SharePoint List.
Then when the data there must be a timer control or functionality which then calculates how much time it has happened. Then it gets calculated and when you press Stop button, again you need to provide the Save Functionality in the app. The Stop button then calculates how much the time has lapsed since the Start button.
Thanks Vishal,
Can you provide some guide on how to do this? Sorry only new to Power Apps.
You need to save and create a play pause button functionality which stores the data in the Power Apps SharePoint list and add a timer functionality to it.