I have Microsoft Teams ONLY authentication turned on; however, I'm getting an error when trying to use Sharepoint as a source for a Generative Answer module.
If I turn on manual authentication, the error does not exist. However, I've been struggling to get manual authentication to work with Microsoft Teams. If I configure Manual Authentication following these guides:
- Configure user authentication with Azure Active Directory - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Learn
- Configure single sign-on for the Power Virtual Agents app in Teams - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Learn
- Configure single sign-on for the Power Virtual Agents app in Teams - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Learn
The bot just constantly asks me to login, but doesn't provide the same "Login" button that the Bot Test in the Power Virtual Agents dashboard provides.
Additionally, Generative answer doesn't even want to query the Sharepoint site when using the bot on the demo site (where I can successfully authenticate). The bot just stops responding, it doesn't provide any error. I can get the generative answer module to work if I use a public website.
Please advise thoughts.
Side note, I should advise I'm unable to complete this step in Azure AD.
I figure though, for some single user testing, the admin consent is not required. It feels like I shouldn't be experiencing the issues I'm experiencing for simply not granting admin consent.
@HenryJammes @brodie-sky
I have the exact issue. Generative AI doesn't work in Teams - only in Test Copilot or a Demo website.
@HenryJammes is this issue fixed now for sharepoint sites ?
In my "Test Copilot" under topics i am able to generate answers but once i publish the bot in teams its not working
Steps i have done
Hello @HenryJammes
I have the same issue. The bot is configured with the teams sso verification.
When I'm testing it in the studio, it works fine. But if I test the bot in teams, the bot does not work with the SPO data source. This is the error I get
Do you know how to fix this?
I realized the two Client IDs that I have in my App Registration are for The Teams Mobile/Desktop and Teams WebClients
These were entered per the instructions here: Configure single sign-on for the Microsoft Copilot Studio app in Teams - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn
Client ID for Microsoft Teams mobile/desktop: 1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264
Client ID for Microsoft Teams on the web: 5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346.
I had a quick call with the Microsoft Engineer but no root cause. He was ending his shift for the day due to the time zone and was going to look for another engineer who may be able to continue to work on it or hopefully pick back up tomorrow.
@HenryJammes under the Copilot Studio bot authentication settings your screen shot showed you had the Toke Exchange URL Blank. Was this intentional? I added it because it was called out here:
Configure single sign-on for the Microsoft Copilot Studio app in Teams - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn
Hi @jamesmuller - I have now also submitted a support request.
If you could please share anything you learn that would be greatly appreciated, and I will do the same.
@Hellman - SSO is possible on Teams, this was an error from me at the time.
Let me check again
Hi @HenryJammes - hmmm, my test user does not get a sign-in button within the Teams channel.
I assume this is because I set up SSO for Teams, whereas you've left Token Exchange URL setting blank.
Did you do that intentionally because SSO cant work with Generative Answers + SharePoint on a Teams channel for some reason? I know you seemed to state that in your 06-23-2023 06:22PM post in this thread ("...SSO isn't an option..."), but I dont understand why this would be. And its a somewhat odd end-user experience to already be logged into Teams but still need to click a sign-in button just in this chatbot app, so I am really hoping SSO can somehow work.
Would really love to know whether I am doing something wrong, or whether this just a temporary issue/limitation with SSO that Microsoft is working to resolve, in which case I can stop banging my head and will just need to wait a bit.
I'll open a support request, but any insights you can share in the meantime would be wonderful.
Thanks again,
Hi @HenryJammes ,
I have a support request opened yesterday but I'm still waiting for an engineer to call me.
Case 2311290010003493
This works OK for me, even for my test user.
The only thing I noticed is that my user had to use the sign-in button.
Not sure we can troubleshoot this in this thread.
Can you open a support request?
Get Help + Support in Power Platform - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn
Hi @HenryJammes ,
I noticed two differences.