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Power Apps - AI Builder

Power Automate -

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Hi Everyone,


I am trying to build a form processing model to extract data from documents in OneDrive. But I am getting the following error: Request failed with status code 404 when doing the flow. I have already selected the folders in the previous step where the files will be.


I don't understand why this error if everything else is pointing well to onedrive.


Has anybody know how to solve this issue?

Capture IA.PNG




  • JoeF-MSFT Profile Picture
    JoeF-MSFT on at
    Re: Power Automate -

    Hi @Anonymous


    Thanks for your recent purchase! Agree, if you paid for it you should be able to use it. 🙂

    For purchased AI Builder credits, your IT admin needs to assign those credits to the Power Platform environment you are using to train the model and build the flows. The following link explains how to do it: Manage AI Builder capacity - Learn | Microsoft Docs


    Regarding Power Automate licenses, the following link explains how to assign them: Buy Power Automate licenses - Power Platform | Microsoft Docs


    I hope this helps! Don't hesitate to ask additional questions if we can help. 

  • Re: Power Automate -

    Hi JoeF


    Thank you for your answer. I was wondering if you can guide me in another issue,


    My account trial ended so my organization paid for power automate, but still can't use it, is there anyone to talk about this, kind of desperate situation, paid for something I can't use it!!!

     Thank you 


  • JoeF-MSFT Profile Picture
    JoeF-MSFT on at
    Re: Power Automate -

    Thanks @Anonymous!


    It looks like those errors are caused because AI Builder tried to process an Excel file, and AI Builder only supports today images and PDFs. On that OneDrive folders are there file types other than images and PDFs? If so, you can add a condition to your flow to only call the AI Builder action if the file to process is of type PDF or PNG, JPEG, TIFF.

  • Re: Power Automate -

    this is the error.Capture-error.PNG


    And a close up to predict


  • JoeF-MSFT Profile Picture
    JoeF-MSFT on at
    Re: Power Automate -

    Great to see indeed!


    And if you select one of the previous runs that failed - do you see the reason why they failed?

  • Re: Power Automate -

    All the runs actually Succeeded; but only the last one was marked Succeeded. It is just for the record 🙂

    I am glad that the last one was mark as succeeded because it was bothering me :)I am glad that the last one was mark as succeeded because it was bothering me 🙂

  • JoeF-MSFT Profile Picture
    JoeF-MSFT on at
    Re: Power Automate -

    Hi @Anonymous,


    Thanks for the update. Congrats for setting up this automation! 🙂


    Could you share a screenshot of the error you are getting? Thanks!

  • Verified answer
    Re: Power Automate -

    Hi JoeF

    Thank you very much for your help. Sorry it has taken me long to replay. I got it working beautifly the only little problem is that when the flow finishes running it always return a failed status. Not a big deal, especially since it did its work perfectly but it just bothers me. Is there a reason why the status is always failed even though it works to perfection?




  • Verified answer
    JoeF-MSFT Profile Picture
    JoeF-MSFT on at
    Re: Power Automate -

    Hi @Anonymous,


    Thanks for your question.

    Can you try to remove the Extract information from forms action by clicking on the three dots next to its name to the right, and then adding it again?


    Let us know if you still face this issue after re-adding the action. 

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