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Building Copilot Studio Chatbots in Microsoft T...

PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

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So I created a bot that works in teams only.  I have ran into a problem where it will give a previous response after the correct response. While I noticed this in the past, it has became more frequent to the point it is annoying enough that users have quit engaging the bot.  It is not just annoying it is confusing some users.  


I have attached a picture to show exactly what is happening.  


I would appreciate any help in getting this resolved. 

  • AlinaMartin Profile Picture
    AlinaMartin on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    So you have to add the end of conversation after the message.  I used end with a survey.  


    If you have a question you will want to have one for all other conditions that end with this as well. 


    Screenshot 1.png

    it will look like this.  

    Screenshot 2.png


    Now for my purposes i didn't want a new message asking if it answered the question after thing, (I thought it would make it clutter and mess with the flow for the agents. It is a tool for our agents to look up information rather than for customers).  So I removed the messaging and inserted the flow to track the usage.  This works for me.  

    Screenshot 3.png

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 63,172 on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    As explained above. If your path ends in a redirect to a different topic or just stops without using one of the termination actions like goodbye, then the path may not clear things out and become confused when you loop around to a new conversation. It is a good idea to always have a termination of some kind on a topic path.

  • Saikumar8197 Profile Picture
    Saikumar8197 6 on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    @zafarshamsi - No.. I dont have same trigger phase. Even if i ask irrelevant questions also it was replying the earlier answer only instead of getting reply error message. 

  • zafarshamsi Profile Picture
    zafarshamsi 85 on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    check if you have the same trigger phrase in greetings or your other topic.

  • Saikumar8197 Profile Picture
    Saikumar8197 6 on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    Hi @AlinaMartin - Could you please let me know how you resolve the issue; I was also facing the same problem.

  • zafarshamsi Profile Picture
    zafarshamsi 85 on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    @AlinaMartin what the glitch on this was? would you please share the same with me.

  • AlinaMartin Profile Picture
    AlinaMartin on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    Hi Pstork, 

    Thank you, I believe that fixed it.  I only did a small portion of the bot so far, but I clicked around a few times and no repeated items.  

  • Verified answer
    Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 63,172 on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    I know each of your switch paths goes to a redirect, but I would try adding a formal termination to each of those paths.  I've seen paths like that without a termination loop back on themselves and ask questions/show content from previous paths.  I think that may be what is happening here.  Other than that I don't see anything wrong. 

  • AlinaMartin Profile Picture
    AlinaMartin on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    Can you show us a screenshot of the conversation path that is leading to this behavior?

    They are individual topics. It is random the triggers can have similar words or be completely different. 


    Do you have a termination at the end of the path or does it restart another topic? 

    I did not set up termination points on any of my paths.  I just left it open so the agents could just move to the next topic as needed.  See the attachments to see the paths from the previous screenshots (Efficiency star, Hours star, and 5 stars)


    Do you manually clear out the previous answer from the variable before adding the next one?

    Um... No. Do I need to? Can I make it automatic for users? 

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 63,172 on at
    Re: PVA Chatbot repeating responses in teams

    Can you show us a screenshot of the conversation path that is leading to this behavior? Do you have a termination at the end of the path or does it restart another topic?  Do you manually clear out the previous answer from the variable before adding the next one?

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