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Using a bound action in canvas app problem

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On today I'm using a flow that I run from a canvas app that is using the bound action from the "Team" dataverse table "AddMembersTeam". In my flow this is working fine, but I started trying to directly call the bound action from the canvas app.


I'm not able to get this working, it is asking me for a column that is required but have tried many different formats, but I'm not able to work around it. Any suggestions how I can perform this Bound action in my canvas app? I won't to avoid using a flow but directly call dataverse actions with Power Fx.



 systemuserid: "86c11e72-fd4b-ee11-be6f-0022489981f4"



This is giving me the error (I also tried to replace 'systemuserid' with 'Members.organizationid', but it is giving me the same error



  • JV-19080742-0 Profile Picture
    JV-19080742-0 2 on at
    Re: Using a bound action in canvas app problem

    I have found what I need to do. Apparently you need to include the full user record from the dataverse 'User' table.

    However, it is still causing issues as now it is prompting incompatible type:


    Any suggestion how to work around this?


    Incompatible type. The 'Members.address1_latitude' column in the data source you’re updating expects a 'UntypedObject' type and you’re using a 'Number' type.

     LookUp(Users, 'Azure AD Object ID' = User().EntraObjectId)


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