Hello -
We have a topic that asks a user to choose from multiple choice options and we have 80 options for the user to choose from. The topic tests out fine from the test bot window in the PVA topic editor (browser). However the Teams App for the Bot will not render the list of choices for the user. Obvious suspicion is it has to do with the large number of options we have configured for the question but surely the Teams interaction should support however many options you have up to the enforced limit.
Anyone else experience this behavior? We've tried republishing the bot, etc... but to no avail.
Have you identified a limit of options after which Teams stops rendering them?
Is there a way for you to break such a large number of options into smaller chunks, with sub-questions? This could also improve the UX if the user needs to scan through a list of 80 options.
Facing same issue
hi, i have the same issue bro 😞