HI Team.
I am using the copilot studio for topic configurations. While making an HTTP PUT call, how can we configure the path parameters.
The employee id is accepted via the question and stored to a local variable.
Sample api
PUT /employee/:employeeId/UpdateData
Similarly for payload, how to externalize these based on user input.
"employeeName" : "John Doe",
"DeparmentReference": "D123"
Tried through the copilot documentation, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-copilot-studio/authoring-http-node
could not find the answers to these queries. Your help is appreciated.
@HenryJammes , refer to the https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Topic-Creation-Management/Unable-to-parse-JSON-from-HTTP-request/m-p/2467650#M1253 thread, but not tried to correlate the same on a external API.
hey @HenryJammes , thanks a lot for your input. This works just great.
In your HTTP request Body payload, you can make the content dynamic by switching from JSON to formula (Power Fx):
employeeName : Topic.employeeName,
DeparmentReference: Topic.DeparmentReference
Same for the URL, you can use a formula to concatenate its different components:
"https://domain.com/employee/:" & Topic.employeeId & "/UpdateData"
Assuming you have all these already defined as variables.