Hello everyone,
Regarding Power Virtual Agents, are we able to convert/copy a bot supports one language into an another bot supports another language ?
For example,
1. making a bot supports English : we can monitor/maintain this bot
2. translate the language in some files/settings into Japanese
3. convert/copy the bot into another bot and overwrite/convert the files/settings to make the 2nd bot supports Japanese
Now, English speakers may use the 1st bot. And Japanese speakers may use the 2nd bot. Author would be maintain the 1st bot. And if it was needed , he/she would do the 2 and 3 process above again and again to make the 2nd bot updated..
I think "the chatbots" is quite useful . But, our customers speak several language. I would like to minimize the cost to maintain the bots .
Thank you in advance
YOu can Export/Import bot solutions to move them to other environments. But you select the bots language when you first create the bot. Once selected I don't think you can change the language even if you make a copy. So to the best of my knowledge this is not currently possible.