Hi, has anyone had this scenario before?
When trying to create or modify any topic, I always get below error. But after refreshing my page, I can see the changes affect on UI. However, the new topic added can never been triggered with exact and unique utterance added to it.
I don't see any "error" warning with any topic. But I observe I have one duplicate system topic, not sure if possible created by that.
Error details:
"ErrorCode": 10000,
"ErrorMessage": "An item with the same key has already been added.",
"DiagnosticsMessage": null,
"ErrorInfo": null
I have resolved that issue. Hope my solution would work for you.
The cause of this issue of duplicate system topics is - There are some user topics referring to the system topic in another PVA instance in the same environment. (This could easily happen if you call rest api to create topic.) You can verify that by checking the topic id with browser dev tools.
The way I used to solve the issue is -
1. Go to Power Apps solution from PowerVA
2. Create a solution for current PowerVA instance
3. Get to the solution layers of any topic component and then click the circled topic name to direct you to the Dynamics CRM component of this topic. Taking "End of Conversation" topic for example in the below image:
4. Then view all chatbot components in Dynamics CRM and fix/remove the wrong reference to the components not belong to this chatbot. Then it'll update to you PowerVA instance.
I just ran into this too. There's an extra End of Conversation topic (I don't know where it came from, and it looks strange), and I'm getting error messages when I try to save other topics and when I try to download a snapshot. Interestingly, when I test after saving a change, the test window shows the old topic content and the tracking canvas shows the new content.
Adding my list of system topics:
Hi @thua ,
Maybe your issue was related to the duplicated topics and you can't fixed easily it. (You can try to export to solutions, change the solution zip and import the zip modified inside a new environment, but I don't think will work normally)
I think better you open a ticket into the Microsoft support, them can help you debugging and understanding the real issue with your Bot ID.
Or you can recreate your chatbot.
Missed to attach my picture of System Topics.. Didn't know how the other "End of Conversation" was created. But it can't be deleted