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Adaptive card connected with languge studio ¿How connect the prompts?

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Hi Im connectig PVA with a project in LS but im following the doc but return to me a blank card that get submit but not do the correct action. 

This is the card that im using:

- ```{
    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "version": "1.0",
    "body": [
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "text": "New TextBlock",
            "wrap": true
            "type": "ActionSet",
            "actions": [
                    "type": "Action.Submit",
                    "title": ${virtualagent.Prompt}
            "separator": true
Can you help me?
  • Re: Adaptive card connected with languge studio ¿How connect the prompts?

    This is currently not yet implemented; Adaptive Cards will render but the submit model will not collect fields from the form.  We are looking at enabling in the future, but don't have specifics to share at this time.

Under review

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