I'm unable to filter the decimal type field in a view. After entering a value, Apply button becomes grey and throwing error as below.
Ok, that's weird, it's working for me in a model-driven app with decimal column. Try to toggle the "New Look" on or off and see if there's a difference? Also, I would try to clear all your cache and refresh with CTRL + F5?
Hi @EricRegnier , it is a decimal type column and trying to filter in a model-driven app. I'm able to filter the same in power apps but not in model driven app. It's not accepting both decimal values and whole number in a decimal type column in a view
Hi @saidurgesh,
Yes can enter a decimal value if the column supports it (see image below), like Currency and Decimal types. What type of column do you have? Whole Number won't work... And where exactly are you trying to filter it, within a model-driven app?