Is there any way a web author could publish a bot to a public web address and allow public access to the chatbot?
Ok, that works. Thank you very much Henry! Love the support! I have another Q re: my PVA License. I'll submit the Q in another topic.
As far as I know, in my tests, it worked for both versions - but I encourage you to test and provide feedback, as the feature is in
Ok, great, but "Should" concerns me.
Oh got it - no the DLP policy feature is itself in preview but it should apply across both versions of PVA, the current one (production) and the unified authoring version (preview).
Thank you for that Henry, but that option is not available if the user creates a "for Production" bot, leaving the company vulnerable. Correct?
Well, the feature is in preview, but in my tests it worked well, at the tenant level. I was able to block non-authenticated chatbots globally and also create specific exceptions, at the environment level.
With DLP policies, you can control what security settings and channels are available to your bot makers.
Thank you Henry! Awesome support!
So, what this article is saying is that we can block non AD auth from the admin side. But it is only available in Preview? Meaning, right now, if someone has a PVA for web license, they can share their PVA "Build for Production" bot and share it to Facebook for public access?
Hi @TimAfflerbach,
Yes, Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies can help you achieve that.
Apply data loss prevention policies to chatbots - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Learn
They're currently in