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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse

Dataverse - Issue - Azure Synapse Link for Synapse Workspace does not create 4 meta data external table OptionsetMetadata StateMetadata StatusMetadata TargetMetadata

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We're testing Azure Synapse Link with the goal of replacing DES.


Azure Synapse Link successfully created all external tables in our Serverless SQL workspace except for 4 tables:


The Data Lake directory folder for those tables is: dataverse-organisation-uid/OptionsetMetadata/

In this same folder, there are 5 CSV files :

  • GlobalOptionsetMetadata
  • OptionsetMetadata
  • StateMetadata
  • StatusMetadata
  • TargetMetadata

In our SQL Serverless Lake database, we only have an external table GlobalOptionsetMetadata.

Where are the other 4 tables?


We also reconfigured everything by deleting Azure Synapse Link (along with all Datalake CSV files etc. as mentioned in the Microsoft document) and then recreating Azure Synapse Link.
The 4 external tables are still not present!

I think that Azure Synapse Link creation process forgot to create the 4 other tables:

  • OptionsetMetadata
  • StateMetadata
  • StatusMetadata
  • TargetMetadata

Our Synapse Workspace is in North Europe.



  • AhmedSalih Profile Picture
    AhmedSalih 6,678 on at
    Re: Dataverse - Issue - Azure Synapse Link for Synapse Workspace does not create 4 meta data external table OptionsetMetadata StateMetadata StatusMetadata TargetMetadata

    @Dp33fr, first of all, let me say I am very thankful that you have shared the final solution with the community 😊. Secondly, now I have another person to tag when we get a question related to those OptionSets tables in the Synapse 😅

  • dp33fr Profile Picture
    dp33fr 5 on at
    Re: Dataverse - Issue - Azure Synapse Link for Synapse Workspace does not create 4 meta data external table OptionsetMetadata StateMetadata StatusMetadata TargetMetadata

    The rigth solution is :
    - Create a new database in Serverless

    - create the 4 externals tables.

    Example for OptionSetMetadata : 

    -- OptionSetMetadata
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.external_file_formats WHERE name = 'SynapseDelimitedTextFormat') 
    	CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT [SynapseDelimitedTextFormat] 
    			 FIELD_TERMINATOR = ',',
    			 STRING_DELIMITER = '"' 
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.external_data_sources WHERE name = 'dataverse-<YOURDATAVERSE>_dfs_core_windows_net') 
    	CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE [dataverse-<YOURDATAVERSEdatasource>_dfs_core_windows_net] 
    	WITH (
    		LOCATION = 'abfss://dataverse-<YOURDATAVERSE>' 
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [dbo].[OptionSetMetadata] (
     [EntityName] nvarchar(64) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC_UTF8 
    	,[OptionSetName] nvarchar(64) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC_UTF8 
    	,[Option] int 
    	,[IsUserLocalizedLabel] bit 
    	,[LocalizedLabelLanguageCode] int 
    	,[LocalizedLabel] nvarchar(350) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC_UTF8
    	WITH (
    	LOCATION = 'OptionsetMetadata/OptionsetMetadata.csv',
    	DATA_SOURCE = [dataverse-<YOURDATAVERSE>_dfs_core_windows_net],
    	FILE_FORMAT = [SynapseDelimitedTextFormat]
    SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [dbo].[OptionSetMetadata]
  • Verified answer
    AhmedSalih Profile Picture
    AhmedSalih 6,678 on at
    Re: Dataverse - Issue - Azure Synapse Link for Synapse Workspace does not create 4 meta data external table OptionsetMetadata StateMetadata StatusMetadata TargetMetadata

    Hello, @Dp33fr, After creating an Azure Synapse Link, the following five tables are created in a folder named OptionsetMetadata in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. 


    Do you see them in the Data Lake Storage Gen2?


    To consume Dataverse choice columns with serverless SQL pool.


    1. Right-click the database icon, then select New SQL script > Empty script.
    2. Apply a join SQL script to join the choice metadata with your Dataverse table and store the view in a new database.

    Note: In one of my previouse integration, we only used the GlobalOptionsetMetadata to get all the Dataverse tables Choice columns label values.



    If my reply helped you, please give a 👍 , & if it solved your issue, please 👍 & Accept it as the Solution to help other community members find it more.

    I am primarily available on weekdays from 6-10 PM CT and 5-10 PM CT on weekends.

    Visit my Blog:



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