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Look up and sum

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HI Expert
I have two list :Parent and Child
and trying to sum the value of child based on the parent Name from Parent List
COndition: For a parent id you can have multiple child
Parent Name Child ID Child Name
A 1 CAseA-1
A 2 CAseA-2
A 3 CAseA-3
B 1 CaseB-1
i have two status field 
Approval Status
Parent Name Child ID Child Name Approval Status Amount RemediationStaus
A 1 CAseA-1 Approved 50000 Closed
A 2 CAseA-2 Open 5000 Open
A 3 CAseA-3 Pending 10000 Closed
B 1 CaseB-1 Open 50000 Open
A 4 CAseA-4 Approved 8000 Closed
Principle Amount=Sum of All the Child based on Parent name. for example: for above the principle amount for Parent A=50000+5000+10000+8000=73000
O/S value = Sum of all the value where the remediation status is open For example: O/S value for Parent A=5000+10000 =15000 because the approval status for child 3 is pending
Implemented Value= Sum of All the value when approval status is Approved and remediation status is closed for example: Implemented Value for A=50000+8000=58000
Please help
  • Suggested answer
    bscarlavai33 Profile Picture
    bscarlavai33 513 on at
    Lookup and sum
    Rollup fields should be able to accomplish this. Create 3 rollup fields, 1 fort Principle Amount, 1 for O/S Value and 1 for Implemented Value.
  • Suggested answer
    Lookup and sum
    After setting up your filters the way you need, I sum columns :
    The output in the Compose is the Select Output
    xpath(xml(outputs('Compose')), 'sum(//root/total)')

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