I have this Gallery on PowerApps that each button is a month. So from October to April. You can click on each month and it will take you to the next screen for that individual month that shows quizzes that haven't been completed. My question is, is there a way to show a number on the buttons that have the month names that indicate if there are any quizzes in the next form? If there is 2 quizzes from October that haven't been completed and 1 from April. On those months it will show a 2 on the October button and a 1 on the April button?
Hi @hrics12 . The answer to your question is 'yes', but without some indication of the data model it's hard to go further than that.
I'm assuming that the buttons actually all go to the same page with a filter by variable? If so, I would grab the data source from the gallery on the target page and wrap it in CountRows(). Then on the button label text put
Concatenate("April: ",CountRows(yourDataSource))
If you can share a bit more info about the data source we might be able to be a bit more specific.