Hi Ash,
Apparently it is https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/power-virtual-agents/advanced-use-dispatcher
I have not tried it myself so let us know how you get on if you try it
Thankyou for your time @JoeGill
Is it possible to connect an existing QnA and LUIS service to a new PVA we create?
Hi Ash,
1. If you download your session information if can help you figure out if you need to add new trigger phrases , etc I did a post that might help https://joegill.com/fine-tune-your-virtual-agent-bot/
2. No multi lingual support as yet - keep an eye on the roadmap for improvements https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform-release-plan/2019wave2/power-virtual-agents/planned-features
3. OOB voice support supposed to be be coming https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform-release-plan/2020wave1/power-virtual-agents/enable-voice-interactions
4. You cannot access the source for PVA however support for solutions is coming. You will be able to use solutions to move a BOT from one environment to another. You can use Bot Framework skill to extend PVA https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-virtual-agents/advanced-use-skills