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Cascading Combo Box to reflect on a Sharepoint List Form

(1) ShareShare
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I created a sharepoint list which I want to use the form to add student schedule, as we have many teams and each team has different student name. I want to populate student name based on the selected Team. Each time slot we allow multiple students, so the student column must allow more than 1 selection. 
- Sharepoint List (datasource): Schedule Request
Date Team Student Name(s) Requested time slot manage approval
<created date> <select which team you are from > <add all student names which want to request same time slot> <Request timeslot> <Manage name>
Date format Choice (Single selection) Choice (Multiple selection) Date and Time Name
** where Team: I set it as Choice with multiple selection
** Student Name: I set it as text format ( i have also tried Choice, but not working)
- Lookup List: Lookup
Team Student Name
A Nancy
A John
B Linda
B Betty
B Tom
** where Team Column has all Team (A,B,C,D,E,F), mapped with
** where Student Name list all students which mapped with the team
On PowerApp:
- Select Team and Student Name
- Team: Datacardvalue2
- Student Name; Datacardvalue3
For Team Field: 
- I just go ahead to use Team field with Item: Choices ('Schedule List'. 'Team'), I am able to select from drop down, and able to select it from Sharepoint List Form "Schedule Request";
For Student Name Field
- I need to make a multiple selection for Student Name, so I created a ComboBoxCanvas2 with Item: Filter(Lookup, Team.Value = Datacardvalue2.Selected.Value), I am able to see the dropdowns and able to select on sharepoint site form. However:
? If I make Student Name mandatory, even I make selection from combobox, the form still showing "Student Name" is required
? I tried to add Update with ComboBoxCanvas2.Selecteditem, it can recognize my selection, but only first selection; And also, when I open and review this request, there is no more selection on the form (but on sharepoint list it displays the first selection)
I am brand new to PowerApp, could you please help:
1. If i want to make a cascade multi-selection field, is combobox only selection? 
2. For Student name, should I make it choice or Text?
3. How do I define "Update", "Default", "DefaultSelected", "Onchange"? or anything else I need to make sure the Combobox Value/selection are accurately mapped to "Student Name" column and field on Form, when review and edit form, able to see the selection. 
Big Big Thank you!
  • CU19010240-0 Profile Picture
    CU19010240-0 2 on at
    Cascading Combo Box to reflect on a Sharepoint List Form
    I have actually tried to make student name as mutilpe choice on sharepoint list Schedule Request, and replace the field with Combobox, make item of is as Choices("Schedule Request", 'StudentName'). It works perfectly, i can select from form, the selection can disply under student columns, i can review and edit it. 
    set defaultselection
    set update 
    But if I change Item from Choices to  Filter("LookupList", Team.Value = Datacardvalue2.Selected.Value) 
    where Datacardvalue2 is my data card for Team, then 
    Issue1: It does not know which column i am referring to get student name. But if i copy student name under default column "title' on Lookuplist, it automatically recognize from Title to bring me student name. 
    Issue2:I can select, but unable to map the selection to column, unable to see selection when I review or edit. 

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