I created a sharepoint list which I want to use the form to add student schedule, as we have many teams and each team has different student name. I want to populate student name based on the selected Team. Each time slot we allow multiple students, so the student column must allow more than 1 selection.
- Sharepoint List (datasource): Schedule Request
Date |
Team |
Student Name(s) |
Requested time slot |
manage approval |
<created date> |
<select which team you are from > |
<add all student names which want to request same time slot> |
<Request timeslot> |
<Manage name> |
Date format |
Choice (Single selection) |
Choice (Multiple selection) |
Date and Time |
Name |
** where Team: I set it as Choice with multiple selection
** Student Name: I set it as text format ( i have also tried Choice, but not working)
- Lookup List: Lookup
Team |
Student Name |
A |
Nancy |
A |
John |
B |
Linda |
B |
Betty |
B |
Tom |
** where Team Column has all Team (A,B,C,D,E,F), mapped with
** where Student Name list all students which mapped with the team
On PowerApp:
- Select Team and Student Name
- Team: Datacardvalue2
- Student Name; Datacardvalue3
For Team Field:
- I just go ahead to use Team field with Item: Choices ('Schedule List'. 'Team'), I am able to select from drop down, and able to select it from Sharepoint List Form "Schedule Request";
For Student Name Field
- I need to make a multiple selection for Student Name, so I created a ComboBoxCanvas2 with Item: Filter(Lookup, Team.Value = Datacardvalue2.Selected.Value), I am able to see the dropdowns and able to select on sharepoint site form. However:
? If I make Student Name mandatory, even I make selection from combobox, the form still showing "Student Name" is required
? I tried to add Update with ComboBoxCanvas2.Selecteditem, it can recognize my selection, but only first selection; And also, when I open and review this request, there is no more selection on the form (but on sharepoint list it displays the first selection)
I am brand new to PowerApp, could you please help:
1. If i want to make a cascade multi-selection field, is combobox only selection?
2. For Student name, should I make it choice or Text?
3. How do I define "Update", "Default", "DefaultSelected", "Onchange"? or anything else I need to make sure the Combobox Value/selection are accurately mapped to "Student Name" column and field on Form, when review and edit form, able to see the selection.
Big Big Thank you!