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Filter Datasource based on collection

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So I have looked at this solution, but have not been able to apply it to my situation successfully.


I have a dataverse table that I have a filed of related record primary keys stored in a string separated by "::" (ie: SB22023-001001::SB22023-001061).  I have successfully been able to split that string into a collection (colRelated, with a single column of SB2)  I then add the record's own primary key because if I am looking at the parent record it will not have a value in the related field string.


Clear(colRelated);ForAll(Split(varRecordDetail.RelatedSB2Numbers, "::"), Collect(colRelated, {SB2: Result})); Collect(colRelated, {SB2: varRecordDetail.SB2Number})


So for an example let's say I was viewing the record with Primary Key "SB22023-001000" and in it's related string it had the value of "SB22023-001060::SB22023-001061"  My collection would look like this:






I then want to take all the values of the collection and filter my data source for those values to display the records in a gallery.  The link above had the below formula as the answer.

Filter(Table1,Column1 in Table2.Column2).Column1


I was substituting my data source for table 1, and my collection for table2, but when I tried that, intelisense would not give me the column name as a choice (ie: colRelated.SB2, the .SB2)

  • ScottRMeredith Profile Picture
    ScottRMeredith 133 on at
    Re: Filter Datasource based on collection

    So I had been thinking about it a little bit wrong.  I have a list in my collection of my primary keys that were found in the related key field.  My error in logic was I was wanting to continue to search off the related key field that had a string of numbers in it.  I changed the field in the filter to the primary key field and it worked like a charm.

  • ScottRMeredith Profile Picture
    ScottRMeredith 133 on at
    Re: Filter Datasource based on collection

    I didn't initially try that as since my source comparison field is storing the values as a string (ie: SB22023-001001::SB22023-001061) I would get limited or no hits back on the filter.  I tried it just now to double check that is how it would behave, but I was correct in my assumption.  Basically I want to do 

    Filter(datasource, colRelated.SB2 in RelatedSB2Numbers)

    So it returns values for all "colRelated.SB2" values in the collection.  I don't know if there is a way to wrap this in a ForAll somehow.  Maybe I can try and create a second collection within a ForAll that is gathering each matching record and I can use that second collection for my gallery data source.


  • Verified answer
    Rusk Profile Picture
    Rusk 1,369 on at
    Re: Filter Datasource based on collection

    I think the issue could be that the example formula you linked is for a multi-column table.  In your case, your colRelated collection is a single column.  


    What happens if you try:


    Filter(YourDataSource, ColumnName in colRelated)



    ...replacing ColumnName with whatever that column is in your data source

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