I have a text box for the Invoice Approver. This is the default value: dd_FirmFileNo.Selected.'Legal Cost Approver'.Value
Base on what is selected in the Firm file no. the Invoice approver value gets updated. This infomation comes from another list.
I like to controls some datacards display mode based on the Invoice Approver. If the Invoice Approver value equals "John Smith"
then displaymode.Edit otherwise, view.
I have also looked at creating a list of users to manage permissions in this similar context. Please provide some suggestions/help with this.
@TheRobRush thanks rob. this did it for me : If( User().FullName=txt_InvoiceApprover.Text, DisplayMode.View, DisplayMode.Edit)
If it should be referencing the user you probably need to do somehting like
but you should throw a label somewhere and type User. and then try each option stored in your User() information to find the right one to match to your reference column
I need to compare the user logged in equals the txt_InvoiceApprover then enable the display mode.
@TheRobRush sorry some help with this.
I am little confused on how to reference Invoice approver value. Textbox with value = txt_InvoiceApprover
Should be comparing the datacard with this - in that case: InvoiceApprover_DataCard1
Switch(Invoice Approver (However you reference this value),
"John Smith", DisplayMode.Edit,