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Update Collection based on values of Selected Field

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This is puzzling me and have worked for many days on this :

I am looking to update/create an existing collection (colA) in Power Apps that, upon the user selecting an option from the dropdown named 'txtLetterType,' where the txtLetterType values come from from SharePoint List XZY column A.' The collection should store the data of SharePoint List XYZ column B (Column B is a lookup Column with multiple choice) of the txtLetterType selected record. 


The collection will have 2 columns, Column A a unique ID such as varUniqueID



 "MM" & Text(
 ) & Text(



 and ColumnB would have the  SharePoint List XYZ column B.



for Example:


User selects an option from txtLetterType,




SampleSelection record in SharePoint list contains a lookup Value on ColumnB (1,2,7)


Collection will have


ID         SharePointColumnB (Lookup SharePoint Column multiple values)

1234     1

1234     2

1234     7



Any help would be appreciated. 

  • Verified answer
    v-jefferni Profile Picture
    v-jefferni on at
    Re: Update Collection based on values of Selected Field

    Hi @rojomoin ,


    Please try:

    Collect(colA, ForAll(LookUp(SPXYZ, ColumnA = txtLetterType.Selected.ColumnA).ColumnB.Value,{ColumnA: varUniqueID, ColumnB: ThisRecord.Value}))


    Best regards,

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