Does anyone have a suggestion on how to add a chart into a pdf report? The data for the chart is collected on the app, saved in cds. I then want to generate a final "Report" as the last part of the app process. I know I can use html and send to flow to create the pdf, but I also want to add charts to these reports.
Last case scenario is sending all data to on premises SQL and try to produce them with SSRS, but was not looking forward to that.
The charts are not hugely complicated but need a bit more control on format than what powerapps controls allows.
Thanks in advance
Hi @werner1 ,
Do you want to insert a Line Chart into a PDF report using PowerApps app and MS Flow?
If you want to insert a Line Chart into a PDF report using PowerApps app and MS Flow, I afraid that there is no way to achieve your needs in PowerApps currently.
I agree with @mdevaney 's thought almost. Currently, as an alternative solution, you could consider draw your Line Chart in Power BI Report, then you export the Power BI report into a PDF.
On your side, you could consider add your data source as dataset into your Power BI/Power BI Desktop, then add a "Line Chart" visual into the Report panel, then configure the Line Chart based on your dataset. If you create the report using Power BI Desktop, please publish it to your Power BI service firstly, then export the report into a PDF file.
More details about exporting Power BI report into a PDF file, please check the following article:
Best regards,