I have created and added the Power BI report using the Power BI Embedded component in the Dataverse solution. When I am trying to embedded the Power BI roeprt on the form using the Power BI Component of the form, it is not showing the the report I added.
What I noticed it is listing the component of type "Power BI Report" and the Report added in the solution is of type "Power BI emended"?
Anyone know how I can embed the "Power BI emended" type component on the form. I know I can do it via XRMtool box but that requires updating the form in the Production env as I have diff reports for diff env.
As you can see that only Intake Referral report is available to select in Power BI component.
Additionally, I found out that, we can't not add the Power BI report from the Analytics section, and which is not allowing me to add my report as Power BI type report.