Every time I am using Patch function I need help and this time I have no idea what is wrong here...
'Request Training',
Defaults('Request Training'),
'Name': Value(DataCardValue2.Text),
'Request ID': Value(DataCardValue3.Text),
Trainee: Value(DataCardValue5.Text),
'Start date': DateValue1.SelectedDate,
Position: DataCardValue6.Selected.Value,
Shift: DataCardValue7.Selected.Value
The data source is table in dataverse with column titles as shown in my patch function. I have checked all titles and DataCardValues numbers and it's all ok. Shift and Position are choices, Date is DateValue to choose, Request ID is a number which in table is WHOLE NUMBER, in my form it has a function to increment by 1: First(Sort('Request Trainings', 'Request ID', Descending)).'Request ID' + 1.
Help, please!
Please mark your answer as the solution to officially close this ticket.
Glad that you figure it out. 😊
Thank You, I've found error it was on one of my choices... thanks! 🙂
Hello @marcy_pi
With this limited info, it's difficult to point out the issue.
Since we can't get any further info, adding one by one your record values and see at which point it prompts for a new type of error.
Before starting, update your Dataverse table to make sure that all columns (except Name) are not required. Refresh in Power Apps the data source then start doing this:
Start with Name only first.
then next is Required ID and so on until you know which column is causing the issue.
I've tried it but it's still showing the same error.
Hello @marcy_pi
That's tough. For now, I'm suspecting this might be the source of the issue.
Can you please share a screenshot of what is highlighted to be wrong in your Patch code?
That's all it says:
Hello @marcy_pi
Can you please get the full error message?
Click each item in the error and share with us the complete message similar below:
The error message will help us decipher that cause of your issue.