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Power Apps - AI Builder

inbuilt AI-Bulder - No TaxId attribute

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Hi ,

 In the current inbuilt AI-Builder for Form-recogniser , there is no attribute for Tax-Identification(VAT number) though one can extract Tax-Amount .  This is a key requirement for VAT receipt processing .

Do I need to build a bespoke new model to address the gap and retrain a model ? Or there is a quicker way to add the VAT-No attribute to the inbuilt AI-Builder list..

I have attached a screenshot for your reference .

Please guide.


  • JoeF-MSFT Profile Picture
    JoeF-MSFT on at
    Re: inbuilt AI-Bulder - No TaxId attribute

    Hi @DhirajBI,


    Indeed, VAT Number is not one of the fields supported today in AI Builder Receipt Processing. Some options you can leverage:

    • One of the attributes returned by receipt processing is DetectedText which contains all the text present on the receipt. If the VAT number is always preceded by a specific text, you could search for it by using expressions like substring or indexOf
    • If the VAT Number has always the same format, you can train a custom AI Builder Entity Extraction model to extract that VAT. You would first call the Receipt Processing model and then the Entity Extraction model that you train using DetectedText as input.
    • Last you can train a custom AI Builder Form Processing model so it can recognize how to extract the VAT Number. You will need to provide five sample of each receipt type and upload them in different collections.

    I hope this helps!

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