Is there a way in Power Automate to make my Teams chatbot get an input from PVA and use it to search an excel file (similar to a vlookup function)?
the goal is the user will provide the reference Order Number through the Chatbot. This Order Number will be used by the chatbot to search an Excel file (stored in Onedrive) and get its corresponding status.
Example: The Chatbot will ask for the Order No. and if the user provides "A123", Chatbot will return the status "Processed"
Please post this as a new question. You'll get more responses and others will be able to find the answer more easily later.
But the short answer is No, there is no other way to do a lookup for something in a database from the Bot without Power Automate.
Is there a way to do this without Power Automate? We don't want to create a flow for each time we want to do some sort of validation or lookup. Is there another way to do this? We would be validating against a db in SQL server if that helps.
1) After the flow is triggered do a List Rows in Table
2) Use a Filter Array to filter the rows based on the order number
3) There should be an array of one or zero rows returned. One means it found the row and zero means it didn't
4) If it found it return the status of the row that was found
Thanks for the reply. What flow can I use? I tried exploring Get a row but I can't make it work. I have a Topic and the message asking for the Order Number already.
Yes, that is relatively easy to do.
1) Create an appropriate Topic to start the chatbot
2) Ask for the Order Number
3) Pass the Order Number to a flow that will search the Excel file and return the status
4) Display the returned status in the bot.