I have a set up to display questions for an exam
More than 60 questions are displayed in a gallery, the teacher has to edit occasionally 5 or 10 rows for an existing exam, depending on whether they forgot to add data
The usual patch is very slow, it seems I have to scroll up and down so it can 'read' all the records, is there a more efficient way?
I tried Matthew's solution but it doesn't seem to do it at all, I guess it doesn't have the gallery data so unsure how it would be able to do it
Current code
// Update each question's 'Actual Score' and 'Comments' in the Question's table
questions_gal_2.AllItems As Record,
LookUp('Questions', 'Questions Id' = Record.'Questions Id'),
'Actual Score': Record.score_cmb.Selected.Value,
Comments: Record.comments_txt.Text