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On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

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On custom website page refresh, in the embedded chatbot from copilot studio, chatbot's messages are not getting cleared and holding all the previous chat flow. How to clear it up?

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

    @amitmitra14 Omnichannel widget support hand off to live chat where Copilot Studio widget is just for chat. 

    Copilot studio also provide the integration code sample (in the website channel) - it just does not include the code to minimize / maximize but this is fairly easy to do for any javascript developer during integration.

  • amitmitra14 Profile Picture
    amitmitra14 6 on at
    Re: On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

    another question, we have a similar bot created through omnichannel and it is providing the embedded code with javascript. Why there are difference between omnichannel and copilt?

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

    Hello @amitmitra14 

    If you are new, I recommend you start by reading the documentation: there are plenty of code examples there and on our github repo: microsoft/CopilotStudioSamples (



  • amitmitra14 Profile Picture
    amitmitra14 6 on at
    Re: On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

    Thank you for your quick reply.


    can you please provide sample custom javascript code snippet for us to start with? We are new to this copilot studio.


    another question, we have a similar bot created through omnichannel and it is providing the embedded code with javascript. Why there are difference between omnichannel and copilt?

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

    Hi @amitmitra14 

    You will have to write your own custom javascript and use the iframe sample here: Configure a copilot for a live or demo website (contains video) - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn


    You can also check out this documentation page: Add a copilot to mobile and web apps - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn

  • amitmitra14 Profile Picture
    amitmitra14 6 on at
    Re: On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

    How to show copilot chat bot as a collapsible window on the bottom right corner?


    Is there a way to show the chatbot on the bottom right corner and in collapsed mode.

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: On custom website page refresh, the chatbot messages is not getting cleared

    Hi @Karishma2805998 

    Page refresh does not create a new chatbot session, you have to end the session within your custom implementation (default chatbot canvas does not support clearing the session).

    See doc: Add a copilot to mobile and web apps - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn

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