I have created a new topic for my PVA and used "Call an Action" to add a Power automate that send an adaptive card to a Teams Channel.
When I test, it display everything except the adaptive card in the test view. The Adaptive Card will pop on the channel under the real Teams Channel.
When I invoke the bot in the Teams Client, it display everything except the Adaptive card.
It's like the "test bot" under the dev environment manage to trigger the topic AND the Power automate, but even after publishing, MS Teams Client only triggers the topic. The topic will not trigger the power automate.
This is my topic:
this is my power automate
any suggestions?
@BrunoLucas try publishing the PVA bot again. It may not be the root issue but I've done the same thing where I didn't publish an update and it tested fine but the end users weren't seeing what they should and realized I didn't publish the bot after updating that topic.