I am trying to create multilanguage app (to translate all my labels, text buttons,...) depending on the user language. (I am setting it on app OnStart in variable varCurrentLanguge).
I thought that I could do it with MicrosoftTranslatorV2.Translate. I thought that I could use it to set label text (something like
MicrosoftTranslatorV2.Translate(varCurrentLanguge, "Language Application")) but I was getting errors.
Later I found out that I cannot use it to set text to label itself but some other component function can set the value to variable and then label text could be set with that variable. If this is the case what is best approach to do it?
Also, my question is does MicrosoftTranslatorV2.Translate mentioned to be used for this purpose? Or it was more intended to be used like google translator?
Thank you.