Is there a way to limit the user attaching 1 file at a time? I have a flow that will trigger if an excel file is being attached. However, if the user decided to attach multiple file at the same time. The code that have only gets the last attachment. Thus, the power automate flow failed to run.
e.g. the user attach:
Since the code that I have will only check the last attachment the file that will be passed to my flow is the jpg.
Is there a way to create a loop to check each attachment?
All loops in PowerApps use "ForAll()".
The above formula loops through all attachments in the datacard and do some action.
Hope this was helpful to you.
Yes, it is a PowerApps-related. I need a loop in PowerApps that will check each attachment in Attachment Control if it is an Excel File.
Hello @philifova ,
Is this PowerApps-related? If not, I suggest asking the Power Automate community about your issue.
If it is related to PowerApps, could you further describe how your users submit attachments?
Hello Folks,
I'm stuck on this. anyone have an idea?