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Table / Selection

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Hi all,
I am trying to create the attached snip in power apps, this will go to a SharePoint list, however, it all needs to go into the same row as the rest of the information which is done via a form control. How would I create something like this?
  • Suggested answer
    SwatiSTW Profile Picture
    SwatiSTW 306 on at
    Table / Selection
    To make the labels selectable and bind them to a SharePoint Choice column, you can replace the static label with a Dropdown control. Here’s how you can implement it step by step
    1. Replace the Label for ImpactAssessment in the gallery with a Dropdown control.
    2. Set the Items property of the Dropdown to the choices available in the SharePoint column. For example:

    Replace SharePointListName with the name of your list and ImpactAssessmentColumn with the name of your SharePoint choice column.
    3. Set the Default property of the Dropdown to:
    4. Use the OnChange property of the Dropdown to update the value in the collection when the user selects a choice:
    Patch(TableData, ThisItem, { ImpactAssessment: Dropdown_ImpactAssessment.Selected.Value })
    5. When saving the data back to SharePoint, ensure the ImpactAssessment column in your SharePoint list is set up as a Choice column. Use this code to save the data:
            OtherField: OtherFormInput.Text,
            ImpactAssessment: TableData, // Flattened data if needed
            TableDataColumn: JSON(TableData)
    This way, the ImpactAssessment becomes a dropdown tied to the SharePoint choice column, ensuring the values are properly saved and compatible.
  • CU25110323-1 Profile Picture
    CU25110323-1 6 on at
    Table / Selection
    @SwatiSTW this should work fine but how do I get the labels to be selected? The column is currently a choice column in my SharePoint
  • SwatiSTW Profile Picture
    SwatiSTW 306 on at
    Table / Selection
    1. Create a collection to store the table data temporarily. Use this code in the App OnStart or a button's OnSelect property:

        { ImpactAssessment: "Management", Manhours: "", Cost: "", Quantity: "" },
        { ImpactAssessment: "Design", Manhours: "", Cost: "", Quantity: "" },
        { ImpactAssessment: "Construction", Manhours: "", Cost: "", Quantity: "" },
        { ImpactAssessment: "Material", Manhours: "", Cost: "", Quantity: "" },
        { ImpactAssessment: "Subcontractor", Manhours: "", Cost: "", Quantity: "" },
        { ImpactAssessment: "Schedule", Manhours: "", Cost: "", Quantity: "" }
    2. Add a vertical gallery and set its Items property to:


    3. In the gallery, for each row, add a Label to display ImpactAssessment. Set its Text property to:
    4. Add Text Input controls for Manhours, Cost, and Quantity. For each input, set its Default property to the corresponding column:
    5. Use the OnChange property of each input to update the collection. Example for Manhours:
    Patch(TableData, ThisItem, { Manhours: TextInput_Manhours.Text })

    6. Add a submit button. In its OnSelect property, use this code to save the table data and other form fields into the SharePoint list:
            OtherField: OtherFormInput.Text,
            TableDataColumn: JSON(TableData)
    7. If you need to load existing data from SharePoint into the table when editing, use this code in the screen's OnVisible property:
    ClearCollect(TableData, JSON(ParseJSON(SelectedSharePointItem.TableDataColumn)))
    This process dynamically binds the gallery, allows user input, and saves the data in a single row in SharePoint as a JSON string.

    If this helps kindly mark the answer as verified.
  • CU25110323-1 Profile Picture
    CU25110323-1 6 on at
    Table / Selection
    Also, I am open to creating a new list if I need to, to capture the data correctly

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