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User access look up from sharepoint list

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Good Day Everyone,
I want to create a different navigation for a button in power apps based on the user access (PIC and user). I have created a sharepoint list containing PIC email and contact person like this: 
And I want to create a 2 different navigations from this button for PIC (Tracking_PIC) on the list and user (Tracking)
Im trying to use if and look up formula but it doesnt work
What formula can i use to create a different navigations for this button? Any kind of assistance is really appreciate, thank you!
  • safiranrd Profile Picture
    safiranrd 48 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    I think so, but my column title name in sharepoint list is "Email"
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,304 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    It is telling you that Email is not the valid field name.
  • safiranrd Profile Picture
    safiranrd 48 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    Hi @WarrenBelz and @DBO_DV 
    I Tried to correct the spelling and use another method but it still doesnt work
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,304 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    Try a capital U in LookUp
  • DBO_DV Profile Picture
    DBO_DV 4,415 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    Hey Safirand, 
    Sorry i Missspelled a Word. 
                'HR PIC', 
    Could you tell us what language you are using in Power apps? 
    Could you also tell us what error message you are getting back? 
    If its another language then English it might be possible, that you have to switch the ',' with ';' and the ';' with ';;' so it would look like this: 
                'HR PIC'; 
    Let me know if this helped
  • safiranrd Profile Picture
    safiranrd 48 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    Hi @WarrenBelz and @DBO_DV,
    Thanks for your suggestion, i have tried both of the formula you gave but it still doesnt work. I think my powerapps cant read = symbols. Is that possible?
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,304 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    This will do the same thing without the Delegation issue
             'HR PIC',
             Email = User().Email
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    MVP (Business Applications)   Visit my blog Practical Power Apps

  • Suggested answer
    DBO_DV Profile Picture
    DBO_DV 4,415 on at
    User access look up from sharepoint list
    Hey safiranrd,
    Could you try this? 
                'HR PIC', 

    This will return a warning (Delegation) that you can ignore, since this formula will search for only one record.

    Let me know if this helped you. 
    If it did please consider accepting this answer as Solution, so others can find the answer as well.
    If it helped you in any other way or form consider giving it a like. 

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