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Unable to call Flow from within PVA topic

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I have created a flow following the Create a new flow from the PVA authoring canvas documentation.


However, when I try and call that flow from within a topic the following Javascript error is printed out into my console:




main.f2e83a4c.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null
 at l (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)
 at f (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)
 at at (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)
 at main.f2e83a4c.js:2
 at (<anonymous>)
 at b (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)
 at S (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)
 at v.t.createActionNodeContent (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)
 at Object.onItemSelected (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)
 at o.createElement.o.createElement.onClick (main.f2e83a4c.js:2)




The code itself have been minified so I cannot provide any further guidance on the exact part that is failing, the best I can do is find this:




, l = function(e) {
 if (!Object(r.isNonEmpty)(e))
 throw new Error(" Input is null, empty, or undefined. ");
 var t = e.match(c).slice(1).filter(r.isNonEmpty); // this is the line that is breaking
 if (!Object(r.isNonEmptyImmutableArray)(t))
 throw new Error(" String inputted does not match regex pattern. ");
 return t




I have tried the following:

  • Creating multiple different flows (some complex ((email integration), some very basic ((just outputting a hard coded value)))
  • Different browsers
  • Moving the flow out of the Default solution
  • Incognito/Private mode
  • Disabling all browser extensions


Is this a known issue - is there somewhere more appropriate that I should be posting this?

  • MattStannett Profile Picture
    MattStannett 17 on at
    Re: Unable to call Flow from within PVA topic

    Hi @MarKol,


    Understood about not being by design. Below is a screenshot of the UI where "Title" is misleading. It is accessed by Creating a new flow from the PVA authoring canvas.




    Thank you.

  • MarKol Profile Picture
    MarKol on at
    Re: Unable to call Flow from within PVA topic



    the inability to use special characters and spaces in variable names is a bug and we are in process of fixing it. This restriction wasn't meant to be there by design. 


    can you please post a screen shot of the place in UI where "Title" appears to be misleading?



  • MattStannett Profile Picture
    MattStannett 17 on at
    Re: Unable to call Flow from within PVA topic

    Hi @MarKol,


    Thank you for the quick reply on this one. Your suggestion of removing any symbols or spaces from the names of the input and output variables worked - I had spaces and in a couple instances symbols.


    The placeholder attribute of the textbox "Title" is somewhat misleading as it is essentially a variable name being inputted. Is there somewhere that I can suggest this be updated, along with adding a note inside the documentation to list illegal characters?


    Your suggestion about the snapshot was also a good idea, but in this instance I wasn't even getting as far as testing the conversation because I was still designing the path through the topic.


    Thank you again for your help.

  • Verified answer
    MarKol Profile Picture
    MarKol on at
    Re: Unable to call Flow from within PVA topic

    Can you try removing all symbols or spaces from the names of your input/output variables for flows and only use alphanumeric values and underscore?


    There is a issue that breaks it it there are any symbols or spaces in variable names in PVA. This is being fixed right now, but switching to use alphanumerics and underscore in variable names should fix it for you in short term.

  • MarKol Profile Picture
    MarKol on at
    Re: Unable to call Flow from within PVA topic

    Thanks for spotting this! This does not appear to be a known issue.


    If you can reproduce in test pane in PVA, can you please use Save a snapshot feature to get an error trace and share?





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