Upgraded the PowerApp to version 2.0.540 and now any app local or MS Sample apps will not load and displays a "Didn't Install" error message. It says that "This PowerApp didn't open. Make sure you're signed in and you have Internet access".
I've logged out and logged back in. I do have internet access. The same app and version on my iPhone works fine. The same apps I have problems with in the iPad Pro, I can open on my phone.
One thing that I did notice is that when I open the App Details on the iPad, the Conntection to SharePoint is in search/connect mode (floating dots) while on the iPhone it shows me signed in to SharePoint with my email address.
That's great to hear. Please keep providing us your feedback!
Hi Ankit,
The App Store showed that It already updated to 2.0.540 but when I check the app itself it said 2.0.532. I went ahead and deleted and reinstalled. The app now says 2.0.540 and the applications are now loading properly. Problem solved, thanks for your assistance.
@Ray_Garza - Thanks for providing the Session ID, I do notice one failure in the logs which we will investigate.
At the same time, I see that the PowerApps client you are using is the build version 2.0.532, which is slightly older than the latest available. Will you please try to update to the latest version from AppStore and try again to see if it unblocks you?
Hi Chris,
Here is the Session ID: 2906206d-e7c9-c509-e4da-f700c0bb0784
As far as the Marching Ants for SharePoint in Details, I left it as is for 5 minutes and it never connected.
Hi Ray_Garza,
Could you please try again and share the session ID (menu > Session detail)? Also, do the 'marching ants' (dots) ever switch to your email address?