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COE kit for shared tenancy

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We have shared tenancy with a couple of other organisations. We want to implement COE kit to audit our Power platform and set up governance, monitoring, etc.

We have separate environments for each organisation for their Dev, Test and Prod. 

The question is, is there any way we can install COE kit to audit and monitor the environment belonging to our organisation or will it by default audit the whole tenancy? We wont get permission from other organisations to audit or monitor their environments😑




  • iAm_ManCat Profile Picture
    iAm_ManCat 18,151 on at
    Re: COE kit for shared tenancy

    You would have to edit the flows that gather the information - they usually have an action apply to each type that gets all environments and then cycles through each of them grabbing all apps/etc - you could put a conditional check in the as the first action and have it only continue if the Environment equals "yourEnvironmentGUID"

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