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Button ONSELECT event not triggering correctly?

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I have a button that executes the following:      Button click > Automate Flow > SQL stored proc > SQL Agent Job > does some stuff on some on prem servers.
Nothing is returned, its just a click and go for the user.  
I just want to stop the user from constantly pressing the button, just to click once.
I have tried, visible onselect = false.
display mode = disabled
and even a container that sits in front of the button.
Nothing seems to work.
Just wondering what someone else would do in this scenario?
  • Suggested answer
    tmoore1 Profile Picture
    tmoore1 23 on at
    Button ONSELECT event not triggering correctly?
    Create a variable ('varBtnClick') that initializes with the app 'OnStart', or when the main screen appears 'OnVisible', or a gallery item is selected 'OnSelect', or some other trigger, and set its value to 'false'.
    Set(varBtnClick, false);
    At the top of the OnSelect parameter of your button, set the variable to 'true'.
    Set(varBtnClick, true);
    The rest of your button logic goes here;
    In either the 'Visible' or 'DisplayMode' parameter of the button, use an 'If' statement to change its value based on the variable.
    // Visible
    If(!varBtnClick, true, false)
    // DisplayMode

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