Hi all, I hope someone can guide me to right direction... I created my first PVA bot and publish to my test team. My understanding is that by publishing to the specific team,,,
My colleague who is a member of this Team which I add the bot cannot find it in Apps. Do I need to do any other action for the member to find the bot in the [Apps] ?
Another thing is that, I want to add easy access to the bot in the channel tab. I understand it is not possible to add the bot in a Teams tab. .. so as a countermeasure,
I created a sharepoint page which is the site connected to the same team,
and create a button in the page, to direct them to the bot.
I got the URL for this button by going to [Publish the bot page] => [Share the bot]=> copy the link to the bot from top of the pop up page.
Then I tried the button, but I got an error message for the subject. "the app may not exist, or your organization may have disallowed you from using it"
Am I doing something wrong ? I just do not want to pin the bot on the left navigation as I have already so many of them.
Hi! The problem is still relevant. Please help
Привет! Проблема до сих пор актуальна. Пожалуйста, помогите
Its possible to share this as a webapp but you should have a premium license.
But as you are an intern talk to your manager to ensure someone from your IT set this up as an organisation app so that it will be visible.
Hope this helps. We should keep security in mind while doing these.
Hi Sir,
I am an intern in a company, thus, my manager and I doesn't have the same organization in the email. Mine is from my university and hers is from the company. Now I have the same problem... my manager can't add the chatbot to her MS Teams.
How do I resolve this Sir? Thank you
I confirmed that my chat bot is working fine. Thanks for the quick support
This issue has been resolved by the Microsoft Teams team as of 2:20 pm PST. Please let us know if this is still occurring for you. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks!
I am having the same experience. I created a new chatbot to test to see if it would work and it does the same thing; same error.
Yeah, mine's doing the same, i wonder if there's a fault as the last few replies have all been in last 24-48 hours!
Even i am receiving the same error, not able to resolve. Please help!!
I have the same problem, it started failing about two hours ago. 😥