I Would like to an icon which changes based upon the Gallery selection and wether or not it matches anothe SP list.
The gallery Works Order Number to look up against the Qaulity Alerts SP list Colum Job Number, If found then Cahnge Icon Else Leave as is.
I Know im doing something obviously wrong. Both SP Columns are Text fields.
Nice to hear!
You're almost there, in the if-statement you do a control, in this case if the icon is icon.Cancel the color should be red, otherwise another color, so you dont have to repeat the icon = again. So in the Color propery of the icon it should look something like this:
If(Icon5_2.Icon = Icon.Cancel, Color.Red, Color.Green)
Hope it helps!
Thank you Nicbo, Works exactly as required. I just wanted to add an addiontal functionality.
But the Icon remains black? Any ideas?
You can use lookup here instead, so somthinge like this:
If(LookUp(YourSpSite, 'Job Number' = Gallery12.Selected.'Works Order No', true), Icon.CancelBadge, Icon.CheckBadge)
Hope it helps