I had to recreate a Dataverse table today due to accidental deletion. this table was attached to a working PowerApp. recreating and reconnecting everything seemed to go fine, but then I'm running into several permission issues. I ahve to accounts being used. the one I created the APP in cant delete from within the Power App with a button with
Onselect: Remove([@CCDFS], BrowseGallery1.Selected)
When I click it, it does nothing, no error either. That account also cant delete directly from within the table in the dataverse
the other account, which is a global admin account, can delete records from anywhere. I created a custom role that's applied to all members of my team. the strange thing is, this was working fine before the table rebuild. Did I miss something with applying the role?
Ahh yes, thought this was the dataverse forum...had a few tabs open.
Thanks, did a little digging and found the issue in the roles under entities...didn't have delete clicked
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