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Power Automate - General Discussion

Sending Emails with attachments from Sharepoint with a master list from Excel

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I have an master Excel file from Sahrepoint with [name], [area] and [email].
I need to email each email address and attach corresponding PDF files from a different Sharepoint folder that contains the name of the [area] at the start of a long filename.
So my flow needs to cycle through each email and find and email the correct area files.  
I have been playing round with arrays and variables but I can't get the for each to work and when I do the PDF does not email properly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Suggested answer
    Nived_Nambiar Profile Picture
    Nived_Nambiar 16,877 on at
    Sending Emails with attachments from Sharepoint with a master list from Excel
    Try like this as mentioned below
    I have used excel file for demo this format 
    See the flow design 
    1. Use list rows in excel table to list out rows in table 
    2. use apply to each loop to loop through each row in table 
    Next steps will be under this loop
    2.1- use get files action to get list of files filtered by the file name starting with area column value as shown below
    2.2- use get file content to get file content
    Expression - 
    2.3- use send email to send the email to given email address in excel
    Expression - 
    Hope it helps !
    Mark it as solution if it resolves your query !
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nived N

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