Hi, I have created 3 custom connectors and using them in the app.
I want to know the outputs and inputs processed by the custom connectors.
where will it get stored and how can I access the logs and activities related to the connector failures etc.
This is a sample code mentioned in an article at http://never-stop-learning.de/logging-in-custom-connector-code/ .
The log can be viewed in the connector testing page.
public class Script : ScriptBase
public override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync()
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
Context.Logger.LogTrace("Script started");
// Logging an information
Context.Logger.LogInformation($"Operation [{Context.OperationId}] {Context.Request.Method} {Context.Request.RequestUri} was called.");
// Logging errors
throw new Exception("This is an error.");
catch (Exception ex)
Context.Logger.LogError($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
Context.Logger.LogCritical("This is critical");
// Logging warnings
if (true)
Context.Logger.LogWarning("A warning message here.");
response.Content = CreateJsonContent("{\"message\": \"Hello World\"}");
return response;