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Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

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Posted on by 221

Hi all,


weird situation - I have a bot that in the canvas visibly goes down the right nodes after a condition, but in addition, displays the message from the other branch of the condition:




Any ideas?

  • CleberM Profile Picture
    CleberM on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    I'm glad to hear that was the issue @Kikoger.


    I'll take the feedback that this is not very clear, we might add extra documentation or UI hints about it.

  • Kikoger Profile Picture
    Kikoger 221 on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    Hi CleberM,


    thanks for the explanation - looks like thats it 🙂 I just assumed it would leave the variables as null and pass null values to Flow in the next step. A bit unfortunate I need to have a branch for a Flow action that really does the same thing as the other branch, but of course not an issue.


    Thanks again!!! 😊 

  • Verified answer
    CleberM Profile Picture
    CleberM on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    Hi @Kikoger ,


    I believe what's happening here is that the bot is trying to fill in the "VarSearchTerm" variable before passing it as an input to the Action in the last node. The only node that fills that variable is the one it's jumping to. Otherwise the value of "VarSearchTerm" would be undefined, and the bot does not send undefined variables (hence the behavior).


    This is a feature of the bot, where we try to fill the variable before using it. If you don't want this to happen, you would have to separate those two branches to call action with different variables, without using "VarSearchTerm" on the right side (the one you have highlighted).


    Let us know if this explains the behavior.

  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,819 on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    Yes, the problem is here.

    You cannot call the Power Automate using the variable that not contains a value. Your variables are using in another node, you cannot send to Power Automate in this node.

  • Kikoger Profile Picture
    Kikoger 221 on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    The remainder of the actions are not triggered, because it is waiting on the input for the question. 





    It's stuck here:


  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,819 on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    😞 @Kikoger 


    Take a picture after this action, please.


    Annotation 2020-05-05 100051.png

  • Kikoger Profile Picture
    Kikoger 221 on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    Hi @renatoromao,


    yes, I did. I also published the bot and tested it in production - same behavior. It's most odd. I could of course just rebuild it, but I kind of rather understand what is happening. 😅



  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,819 on at
    Re: Bot displaying wrong conditional nodes

    Hi @Kikoger ,


    Did you try to reset the test chatbot?

    And after your action calling to Power Automate, which message do you show?





    Renato Romão

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