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How do you make a field required in the form?

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I have a field that needs to be "required ". If the user submits a form without having any input in that field, the form shouldnt submit. 


I made the card "required" value to "TRUE" but it doesnt work.


Can someone help me with this?



  • Timo08 Profile Picture
    Timo08 16 on at
    Re: How do you make a field required in the form?


    I tried this but it is not working. I think because the datacardvalue is a choice column from Sharepoint List. In addition, I need the button to navigate me to the home screen once the form is submitted. 

    How do we add these functions to our Submit button?

  • nataliasantiago Profile Picture
    nataliasantiago 11 on at
    Re: How do you make a field required in the form?

    Hello! Same problem here.


    Thank you


  • kharina Profile Picture
    kharina 249 on at
    Re: How do you make a field required in the form?



    I'm not sure if you are referring to my question - because there's another person ahead of me.  Sorry.

    But if it's for me, Thank You. I am using a SubmitForm. 


    Kind Regards,


  • PowerAddict Profile Picture
    PowerAddict 7,314 on at
    Re: How do you make a field required in the form?
    Are you using SubmitForm or Patch to submit your form?

    Hardit Bhatia
  • kharina Profile Picture
    kharina 249 on at
    Re: How do you make a field required in the form?

    Is there any change in Powerapps about this "required" option? 

    I tried your steps - but it only puts the asterisk on the field where I set "yes" to "required"  - but the form still submits and I can still see the record in SP list.



    Thank You and Kind Regards,


  • asdeev Profile Picture
    asdeev on at
    Re: How do you make a field required in the form?

    Thanks a ton! Kris. It works for me and I am using patch function.

  • Verified answer
    v-xida-msft Profile Picture
    v-xida-msft on at
    Re: How do you make a field required in the form?

    Hi @asdeev,

    How do you submit your form data? Using SubmitForm function or Patch function?

    If you use the SubmitForm function to submit your form data, please consider take a try with the following workaround:9.JPG

    Set the Required property of the Data card property (related to the field you want to mark as Required) to following:

    true /* <-- A boolean value */

    then the Data card would be marked as Required with * sympol. When you submit your form without having value in that field, the error message would show up:10.JPG


    If you use a Patch function to submit your form data, I think the If function could achieve your needs. You could consider check if the corresponding field within your Edit form is populated with values using If function. If not, don't patch your form data into your data source.

    I have made a test on my side, please take a try with the following workaround:11.JPG

    Set the OnSelect property of the "Submit" button to following:


     Notify("The Required field could not be blank, please provide a value for it", NotificationType.Error),
     Patch('20181122_case14', Defaults('20181122_case14'),EditForm1.Updates)

    On your side, you should type:


    IsBlank(DataCardValue9.Text), /* <-- DataCardValue9 represents the Text Input box within the corresponding field Data card */
    Notify("The Required field could not be blank, please provide a value for it", NotificationType.Error),
    Patch('YourSPList', Defaults('YourSPList'),EditForm1.Updates),
    Patch('YourSPList', BrowseGallery1.Selected,EditForm1.Updates)

    In addition, when using SubmitForm function to submit your form data, you could also consider use If function to check if the corresponding field within your Edit form is populated with values, if not, don't submit your form data:

     IsBlank(DataCardValue9.Text), /* <-- DataCardValue9 represents the Text Input box within the corresponding field Data card */ 
     Notify("The Required field could not be blank, please provide a value for it", NotificationType.Error),

    Best regards,



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