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How to patch two different lines in sharepoint from a button

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I want to patch two sharepoint line from the same click of a button.  

I have an inventory sharepoint list which some part are non paint and some need to be paint. 


When we send part for painting, I'm able to patch quantity for 'Part_code'.  I change the "inventory" and change the "inventorygonefor paint".  The user need to specify the part that will be paint.


So, is it possible to do 2 patch line for the same sharepoint but for 2 differents line:

Patch(Inventory;First(Filter(Inventory; Part_code = "Part to be paint"))
;{Partgonetobepaint: QtyAlreadyGone + NewQty});;
Patch(Inventory;First(Filter(Inventory; Part_code = "Part that will be paint"))
;{Partgonetobepaint: QtyAlreadyGone + NewQty});;
The first Patch works well, but the second one doesn't do anything.
  • Verified answer
    CU17121854-0 Profile Picture
    CU17121854-0 on at
    Re: How to patch two different lines in sharepoint from a button


    1\ Does 'First(Filter(Inventory; Part_code = "Part that will be paint"))' have a return value?

    Nothing was returning from this.

    I figure it out.  Everything works fine now.

    Thanks a lot

  • Verified answer
    Re: How to patch two different lines in sharepoint from a button

    Hi @jlarouche21 ,


    Please check 2 things.

    1\ Does 'First(Filter(Inventory; Part_code = "Part that will be paint"))' have a return value?

    2\ Have the value of 'QtyAlreadyGone + NewQty' changed after patching first item?


    Besides you can use 2 button and click 2 times to submit the data separately. Will the second one work?


    Best Regards,


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