I want to patch two sharepoint line from the same click of a button.
I have an inventory sharepoint list which some part are non paint and some need to be paint.
When we send part for painting, I'm able to patch quantity for 'Part_code'. I change the "inventory" and change the "inventorygonefor paint". The user need to specify the part that will be paint.
So, is it possible to do 2 patch line for the same sharepoint but for 2 differents line:
1\ Does 'First(Filter(Inventory; Part_code = "Part that will be paint"))' have a return value?
Nothing was returning from this.
I figure it out. Everything works fine now.
Thanks a lot
Hi @jlarouche21 ,
Please check 2 things.
1\ Does 'First(Filter(Inventory; Part_code = "Part that will be paint"))' have a return value?
2\ Have the value of 'QtyAlreadyGone + NewQty' changed after patching first item?
Besides you can use 2 button and click 2 times to submit the data separately. Will the second one work?
Best Regards,