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when accepting the push notification on the mobile ,it should direct to the screen2 instead screen1

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Hi ,

I have a app ,it send the push notifications using a flow .. When it execute through the app , recipient  get the notification , but when accepted notification , it will re-direct to the app main screen .. I want it to re-direct to the screen2 in the same app ..


pls advice 





  • ajithd6368 Profile Picture
    ajithd6368 496 on at
    Re: when accepting the push notification on the mobile ,it should direct to the screen2 instead screen1

    Fredrik ,


    really appreciate you advice on my request ..




  • ajithd6368 Profile Picture
    ajithd6368 496 on at
    Re: when accepting the push notification on the mobile ,it should direct to the screen2 instead screen1

    Hi Fredrik ,


    used below statement , but get errors 



    appreciate your advice 



  • StretchFredrik Profile Picture
    StretchFredrik 2,610 on at
    Re: when accepting the push notification on the mobile ,it should direct to the screen2 instead screen1

    When you trigger the notifications you have an option to include parameters,  for example like this:


    PowerAppsNotification.SendPushNotification({recipients:[DataCardValue14.Selected.Email], message:"Task " & Upper(DataCardValue9.Text) & " is assigned to you.",
     params:[screen:"1", taskid:BrowseGallery1.Selected.ID]
  • ajithd6368 Profile Picture
    ajithd6368 496 on at
    Re: when accepting the push notification on the mobile ,it should direct to the screen2 instead screen1

    Hi Fredrik ,


    would you pls explain what is --parameter--.. do we need to send this on the push statement  to get the same back while accepting ?




  • StretchFredrik Profile Picture
    StretchFredrik 2,610 on at
    Re: when accepting the push notification on the mobile ,it should direct to the screen2 instead screen1



    i would do something like this:


    1. App OnStart, If( !IsBlank( --parameter--), Set( vSelectedRecord, LookUp( dataSource, ID=Param(ID) ); Navigate(viewScreen, Transition.CoverRight))

    2. App opens, checks if Param IsBlank

    3. If it's not blank Sets variable and navigates to View screen

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