Hi all
I have been enjoying Powerapps greatly and committed a lot of time and effort into learning the platform, still a noob by a long shot. My reason for taking on the challenge is the company where I work has a 20 year old Linux database for our inventory tracking. It's really showing its age and some of it's limitations are really getting in the way. Management is still slightly on the fence regarding Powerapps and are considering Microsoft Access for their new database system (which I currently have no experience with). However, from what I gan gather, Access and Powerapps don't seem to natively intergrate.
We are a mussel processing plant with roughly 120 staff. Data entry for production happens in about seven different locations in the plant and my thinking was with PA I could make very user friendly interfaces for each department for data entry with a very small learning curve. I have been at this plant for ten years, so I'm not a new upstart wanting to turn the place on it's head, I consider the place well managed. However there currently is a lot of manual transposing of data which consumes a lot of time for the admin staff.
So I guess my question is, what do companies normally marry with Powerapps? & any opinions about Access?
Thanks for your reply.
Azure SQL is inexpensive (about $25 / month for an S0 DBaaS offering) and far preferable to an Access fileshare database (for resilience, backup, capabilities).
Connecting Power Apps to Azure SQL requires purchasing additional licensing (10$ per user per App per month). If you are only entering data from Windows desktops in your organization, then an Access Front End to an Azure SQL Db would be a very low cost, very easy to implement solution.
I'm leaning very much towards SQL, I could be wrong here, but I guess they see Access as something familiar to what they know IE Excel.
hi there
Is there any specific reason you leaning towards Access and not SQL or mySQL.
Currently you cannot connect to Access with Powerapps. You can look at this article on various Datasource and their strength to make your decision
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